Windsor Mobile Tech Charity Work

As a company we feel that it is very important to give back to our local community.

To help local charities, Windsor Mobile Tech refurbishes and repairs desktops, laptops, smart phones, tablets and more for local charities and vulnerable people in need.

To support local charities and make a positive impact in the community, Windsor Mobile Tech refurbishes and repairs desktops, laptops, smartphones, tablets, and other electronic devices. These refurbished devices are then donated to local charities and distributed to vulnerable individuals and families in need, helping to bridge the digital divide, provide access to vital resources, and empower people to stay connected in today’s digital world.

If you have any spare, old or broken computers, laptops, smartphones or tablets which you wish to donate to us for refurbishment for charity use, please

If you are a charity and would like our support

Charities We Support

West Windsor Hub

West Windsor Hub was initially set up during COVID tohelp people on the poverty line with housing, food, clothing and paying their fuel bills and still continues to help those in need. Through a referral system via the west windsor hub, we provide IT support and equipment to people in need and continue to visit the hub on a regular basis to support them.

For more information on this charity or if you wish to support them, please follow the link below.

West Windsor Hub

Driven Forward

Driven Forward is a registered charity that has been established to help adults in Berkshire who are socially excluded, isolated, lobely and vulnerable. Through a referral system via drivern forward we provide IT support and equipment to help those who are vulnerable and lonely to connect to the world.

For more information or to support this charity, please click on the link below.

Driven Forward

Age Concern Windsor

Age Concern Windsor is a small local charity helping and supporting older individuals. They operate from the Spencer Denny Centre and offer hot meals and activities for older people and meals on wheels for those who cannot leave thir homes.

For more information or to volunteer, please click on the link below.

Age Concern Windsor

Air Cadets Slough & Britwell

Air Cadets is a diverse and inclusive youth organisation, sponsored by the Royal Air Force, that is keen to embrace opportunities in Air, Space and Cyberspace. They hold national camps as well as focused activities and experiences in flying, gliding, sport, adventurous training, drill, target shooting and cyber skills among others.

For more information or to support this charity, please click on the link below.

Air Cadets Slough & Britwell